
How to Talk to Women

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Alright, let’s get to the bottom of what to say to women and never run out of things to say. I’m about to give you the lowdown on how to start a conversation with a woman without boring her to death. So let’s break it down for you step by step.

First, let’s dive into the most common mistakes guys make.

Guy: So how long have you lived here?

Girl: All my life.

Guy: So you really like it then?

Girl: It’s okay.

Guy: Yeah, I’ve lived here a pretty long time too.

Guy: What do you do for fun?

Girl: Um… nothing, really. My life is pretty boring.

Guy: That’s cool. Sounds like a pretty stress-free life.

If you’re like most guys, the above conversation probably sounds painfully similar to you. “Ouch,” you might think, “pains me to admit it, but yeah.”

That’s how most men talk to women. They are so boring and mundane that women just leave and the conversation doesn’t go anywhere.

So here’s step one:

1. Find Out What She’s Into First

Before you start, figure out what she likes. You wouldn’t want a girl talking your ear off about something you couldn’t care less about, right? The same principle applies.

Just ask, “Hey, do you follow Hollywood celebrities?”

If she says sometimes but not really. That’s a no. Move on. If she says OMG, yes, I have all their autographs, etc then yeah you can continue the topic.

You get the idea. If she’s into it, you’ve got the green light. If not, move on.

2. If  She’s Not Interested, Switch It Up

If she’s not into what you’re talking about, ask her what she is into. For example:

● You: “Do you like traveling?”

● Her: “Not really.”

● You: “So what do you do to get new stimulation in your life so it isn’t the same old thing all the time?”

Notice how I don’t ask “What else do you do like” or “What else do you do for fun?” Those questions are firstly generic, secondly, you will get a response like:

“Oh, I just work all the time,” or, “I don’t really have fun.” Etc

When you phrase it in a creative way now she has to answer otherwise she looks lame.

3. Don’t Beat a Dead Horse

If a topic’s dead, drop it. Don’t drag a conversation about a movie she doesn’t care about. If she’s giving short answers, move on to something else. Keep it personal and interesting.

Don’t be afraid to switch topics if the conversation is getting boring or dead.

4. Don’t Brag or Show Off

How to Talk to Women3

Nobody likes a bragger. This is one of the most common mistakes guys do. Logically they know bragging is a bad idea. But they still do it cause they wanna show off to the girl and they don’t know what else to talk about. If you’re constantly trying to pump up your own value, it’s going to backfire. Instead, focus on :

Fundamental things like:

● Your walk

● Your voice

● Your eye contact

● Your charisma

● Your movements

● Your facial expressions

● Your sexual vibe

… get those down and you won’t have to worry about trying too hard to impress.

5. Get Her Talking

The more she talks, the better. Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest. This isn’t about you; it’s about her. Keep the conversation interesting fun and make her talk.

The more she’s talking, the more interesting she’s finding and will continue to find the conversation. That’s the secret of making conversation interesting for a woman… get her talking. You just need to be a good active listener.

6. Make Your Interest Clear

Don’t leave her guessing why you’re talking to her. Women are practical. If she doesn’t know what you’re after, she will be confused and lose interest in you pretty fast. Be flirtatious and make the conversation man to women.

She should know you are interested in her as a woman. If not you are doing it wrong.

7. Ask Interesting Questions

Your questions should be interesting and intriguing to her. Instead of small talk, ask about something different. People love talking about themselves when they’re sharing something they’re passionate about.

Ask questions like:

“Ever thought about just leaving everything behind and moving to a new city?” It gets her thinking and opens up more interesting conversation paths.

“If you could do anything else – absolutely anything – with your time and get paid the same as you are now, what would it be?”

“Let me ask you this: would you ever date a basketball player?”

8. Use storytelling

Make your questions lively. Add in some fun storytelling elements to make it fun and unique. You can use good storytelling to tell her more about you in a fun and interesting way rather than a boring way. Makes all the difference.

Almost all dating coaches suggest studying storytelling as a way to get good presenting stories and life experiences. It makes the entire conversation fun and interesting.

9. Deep Dive Into Good Topics

When she mentions something she’s passionate about, dive deeper. Ask follow-up questions to show you’re genuinely interested and to keep the conversation flowing.

She will do the talking as long as she knows you are interested in listening.

10. Give Feedback

Show that you’re listening. Little comments like “Really?” and “That’s crazy” go a long way. It keeps the conversation dynamic and shows you’re paying attention.

Make sure to ask questions and give your opinions as well. Have fun with it.

11. Use Humor and teasing

A sense of humor is attractive. Don’t be afraid to tease her and be playful. It lightens the mood and makes the conversation enjoyable. You can do seductive flirting as well. As long as you keep it fun and exciting.

12. Be mysterious

When someone comes out and tells you that he’s a:

● Painter

● Magician

● Violinist

● Business owner

Within the first five minutes of the conversation. It is clearly impressive, but because it was told directly it loses value no matter how you slice it. Because once you know those things, you can pretty safely assume you know the most important and impressive things about him. You’ve got a read on him now.

But let’s say you don’t find out those things until you talk to that person for a while and at various points in the conversation and after lots of digging… you are like wow, how much more is there to find out? You simply DON’T know. That mystery creates attraction.

And the fact that he hasn’t gone out of his way to bring those things out to try and impress you is even more impressive. He has no need to impress. He COULD have pulled them out on you earlier… but he didn’t even think to, or bother to. Now THAT’s impressive.

There you go, these were 12 tips on how to talk to women. If you still feel you are struggling you can trying dating coaching for men. There are quite a few good dating coaches like Anna Pellegrino from the daily flirt that have helped thousands of men get good talking to women.  Good luck, champ.

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